A big week!
The last week of October 2020 was the biggest week for OTORS so far. Three great good news stories...
The Victoria, BC, the Victoria General, and the Royal Jubilee reach an agreement in principle to use OTORS.
The original academic article that describes the system and its successful first trial goes to print in early 2021
Dr. Hossein Mehrizi joins our team .
1. The original academic article will soon be published.
This descriptive article reporting on the successful OTORS clinical trial entitled:
A prospective, parallel cohort study comparing a novel emergency surgery waitlist management system to a paper-based system at a Canadian hospital.
Has gone to print. The article will appear in an upcoming edition of the Journal of Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management (POCORM 100134), a leading journal in this field. Given the unique nature of this system and the two patents currently pending, I see this as an important development in this company's life cycle.
2. Victoria signs on with OTORS.
On October 27th OTORS met with Victora's SISSPAC to discuss deployment in the Provincial capital region. We are very pleased to report that there is an agreement with this committee to introduce OTORS as a quality improvement initiative (QII) at both the Victoria General and the Victoria Jubilee in early 2021. This development is excellent news as it simultaneously gives OTORS an ongoing test facility, and an opportunity to demonstrate its ability to load-balance.
3. Dr. Hossein Mehrizi joins our team.
Dr. Mehrizi is an internationally known expert in healthcare operations management and the Canadian national chair in healthcare informatics. An associate professor at the University of Waterloo Dr. Mehrizi will be working with OTORS to bring rigor to their informatics architecture. More academic publications are planned
Our message to users
Our message to potential users.
Here's what our message has been these past eight weeks.
About design
From the very beginning, we designed OTORS with structural safety built into its DNA. A Display of the actual waitlist that is always up-to-date, secure, and always in a medically appropriate order. An integrated system of SMS Notification fosters good communication with patients and families, coordinates surgical teams, and promotes safety. Finally, a page for Analytics is available in real-time and offers fresh feedback to the surgical leadership, and promotes professional performance self-monitoring.
About teams
OTORS is about building better teams. Most importantly, OTORS helps its users to forge a responsive team with the patient and their family. Next, OTORS helps to build and coordinate the right surgical team, at the right time, with the right tools. Finally, the system promotes teamwork and professionalism within the operating room by offering accurate and insightful infographic feedback to the surgical leadership in real-time.
Thank you for supporting this initiative.
Dr. Simon Treissman MD FRCSC
(CEO and founder of OTORS)
Jon Soloninka P.Eng. MBA