A novel system


Get rid of your “static” Operating Room whiteboard.

Let’s be Dynamic!

Most operating room facilities manage their emergency caseload using a whiteboard (or clipboard) style system. These systems are simple and inexpensive but they have major limitations. Here are listed a few of the problems associated with static scheduling systems;

What’s not right about the whiteboard

It contains errors.

The whiteboard is handwritten second hand after telephonic transfer. These entries often contain errors and are sometimes illegible.

It’s not accessible.

Stored at the operating room desk whiteboards and clipboards can’t be accessed remotely. This means users must call or attend the desk in order to “see” the wait-list.

It’s never in the “right order”.

Since cases of different urgency are added at different times it is not easy for the operating room managers to keep track of the most appropriate case order. Often the whiteboard must be written and re-written several times a day. This problem is most serious when volumes are high.

It’s not digital

Perhaps the most important limitation of static systems is that they are not digital. In the current era of rapid real-time business intelligence whiteboards and clipboards simply don’t meet standards. Data is sequestered in an analog format (handwriting) and is therefore not readily available for analysis.

It’s not engaging

The On-Time OR system engages directly with surgeons to encourage direct data entry. Since the information is entered directly by the end-user it is more accurate, timely and relevant. In our three month clinical trial we found that most surgeon users really liked the On-Time scheduling system.

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simon treissman